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Happy Birthday to me....

* sung with extreme enthusiasm and jazz hands.....
Happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
hand me a fork,
pass me my cake,
happy birthday to-to-to-to....

Well, well, well....seems another year has come and gone, where does the time go? I've made some sugar cookies to take with me this evening to our local quilters guild meeting. (recipe can be found here) Since the meeting falls on my birthday (today)--- I just had to do a little sumthin'-sumthin' extra whimsical right? I took the birthday card my parents gave me and cut it out and glued on a frilly tutu....
This lil' monkey will blast out the calories of each cookie you take :-)
At the monthly meeting I attend, every member has to wear a name badge, this is the one I've made to wear this evening.... I'm going to make a different name badge for each meeting. We meet once a month... I can do 12.... I think. Here is last months name badge.
Ahhhhhhhh sugar cookies....
Please feel free to grab yourself a virtual handful.....