The invitation to the Mad Hatters tea party was delivered by the fancy white rabbit right to the very door of Miss Chloe and her brother Jonathan's little play cottage. Chloe was happy to be invited to this years party once again... Miss Chloe felt the large hat was a bit much for her brother to wear to the party.... She tried her very best to convince him that it wasn't a good look for him, but it fell on deaf ears....Miss Chloe, being the resourceful girl that she is, grabbed the hat and plunked it on her very own head to show him just how funny it looked.Jonathan grabbed it back and forcefully put it back on his head... "Drat," said Miss Chloe, "foiled again." While walking to the party on the very-very narrow path... Miss Chloe came across a sign pointing the way to the very place she was wanting to go. GASP... The signs were in French! Miss Chloe and Jonathan can't read French.... or English for that matter. The cat who was sitting on top of the sign post wasn't any help at all. What to do? What to do? "Lets just go home and play with our bubbles," said Jonathan. Which was perfectly fine for Miss Chloe as her brother did all the work making the bubbles, and she got to play~ Jonathan was not amused. On that note, Miss Chloe grabbed her brothers hat and ran off, all the while laughing hysterically saying, "I'm the evil Doctor Porkchop."After wrestling his hat back from his sister and placing it back on his head.... Miss Chloe, in her sweetest voice said, "You gotta love me, I'm da baby." Which was met with a cold shoulder from her brother....Hmmmmm, I got an idea!..."Watch brud-da, I'm going to eat this bubble just for you."Bubbles sure don't taste as good as they look.... While laughing at his sisters puckered up face, Jonathan noticed the time. "My heavens! My cartoons are on," exclaimed Jonathan. "I'm outta here!" "Wait for me brudda!" yelled Miss Chloe.
Cartoons, animal cookies and a drink box and all is right with the world once again~
You can find more Mad Hatter Madness at "A Fanciful Twist"