I also added carpet... I know right? I had told my 3 year old grandson I had cleaned up the playhouse and that he and his sister could now play in it... he asked me, "You put carpet in it Nana?"... and of course I replied... "Not yet" So, now it has wall to wall beige carpet, the color of dirt. *wink* Here is a cherry tomatoe plant next to the front door of the playhouse. (there are actually 3 tomatoe plants all tied together growing as one)I've got it staked to a copper pipe with a cute white cage around it, that sucker is going to be kept teathered to the pole so its neat and orderly! Here is a photo of the other side of the walkway to the playhouse...
Everything is growing nicely, including the lawn I planted from seed. Lastly, a photo of my polka-dot dog... Buddy. Guess I had better get in some time behind the ol' sewing machine...... I'm making curtains for the playhouse!