Its a pirates life for me~ Ahoy, me Hearties! Welcome to the last known pirate ship to fall prey to Davy Jones' Locker (a fabled, mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where the evil spirit of Davy Jones brings sailors and pirates to die) ... Shiver me timbers! it was a sight to behold all the Hornswaggling (cheating you out of money or your belongings) and the Pillage-ing (rob, sack or plunder) going on. Some were Hang 'im from the yardarm, while others were Hempen Halter (hung).. and those less fortunate had to endure the Keelhaul (punishment in which a person was dragged underneath the pirate ship from side to side and was lacerated by the barnacles on the vessel) The Landlubber (big, slow clumsy person who doesn't know how to sail) who was sailing the "Chloe Rose" had a tad to much rum in his belly to command such a mighty vessel....See the empty bottle of rum? See, I'm not fibbing, see the bottle?...Now, just you watch, someone is going to steal that bottle for the 10 cent deposit! Mark my words! Ahhhhhhh the mutiny that goes on hourly on this mighty ship is sheer terror I tell you. Each buccaneer has stolen pieces of eight... nine and ten! Everyone is three sheets to the wind, walking the plank for fun! We are needing to sober up one of the old Salts to get things under control before the ships going to Scuttle (sink)
Down in the bowels of this pirate ship... in the narrow galley the ships cook, Stu Burns has been cooking up a storm. MMMMM my favorite, pumpkin cookies! Such a sweetie.... making them fortified with calcium.... and whats with these needles? B vitamins I image, the dear~Everyone else on this pirate ship has parrots. But not dear ol' Stu... he has these exotic birds that are the color of pitch black night! Okokok, we must leave Stu in all his baking glory as he is giving me the ol' pirate sneer... which you all know is followed swiftly by a kick in the butt~ Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! I was wanting a cookie!!Whats that I hear?.... "Thar she blows!" Oh my goodness... that means there is a whale sighted! Hmmmm which side of the ship.... oh my goodness, the ship is listing to the port side-- Blimey! Avast ye everyone, thats not a whale, thats a storm a brewing! Batten down the hatches! Close all the lids to all the pirate chests! Give me that Cat O'Nine Tails, I'm needing to whip these buckos into action! Well I must sign off for now, I must go store my laptop in one of those pirate chests before someones bottle of rum gets its spot~ Here is a film reel of todays adventures, sorry its blurry and shakey-- but you know, thats how it goes on a pirate ship.
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If your wanting to join in on more Halloween festivities... go say hello to Vanessa and all the lovely party guests she has listed for you to visit~ If you have linked to my blog from the party caravan and wish to view more of my blog, click here to visit.