Every now and then, I'll rail on Canadian journalists for their lack of Woodward and Bernstein instincts or their unfathomable desire to cozy up to the very people they're supposed to be keeping an eye on for the public. To my mind those crushes of reporters Canadian politicos describe as a "scrum" are just a giant group hug and what passes for a hard-hitting interview here would be called 'tossing around a softball' anywhere else.
And although I've played a journalist on television and written many into my scripts, my understanding of the trade is far from educated.
But if you're like me and wonder how and why some stories get covered the way they get covered, you need to read a great piece posted by Rick McGinnis, better known by his online moniker "Life With Father".
I don't know Rick, but I'm becoming a big fan of his perspective on the craft and associated industries by which he's plied his trade.
Take some time today to read a better quality of writing than you'll ever find around here. Just click the link above or the listing down the right side of this page.
And Rick -- thanks for the kind words in a couple of your posts and equal props in return.